2021 Agency Diversity Survey for Southeast Asia and Hong Kong

R3’s Diversity & Inclusion (DEI) survey for Southeast Asia and Hong Kong is an initiative to help agencies make better decisions around creating more diverse and equitable workplaces, to inform leadership and governance towards diversity and inclusion, and provide marketers with a regional benchmark on diversity and inclusion that will inform their supplier diversity programs.

This survey will cover (1) demographics, including ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, (2) client briefs and requirements, and (3) explore examples of current DEI initiatives that might exist in the region. Countries covered in this survey include Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Who Can Participate?

Any agency that operates in a participating country can complete the survey. There are no limitations on ownership (i.e., holding company or independent) or size, as this data will be factored into calculations. Agencies operating in multiple participating countries will need to submit individual office submissions.

What Happens to the Data?

All individual agency names and data will be kept strictly confidential and not shared outside of R3 nor used outside of this initiative. Findings will be used to create a report that includes regional data, country data, observations and insights, and best practice recommendations. All participating agencies will receive a copy of the final report.

Our survey is now open.

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