This white paper provides an overview of key client-agency trends in China. Our 2018 study comprises of senior professionals who are responsible for marketing, communications, advertising, digital, and media in China.
Participants must work for a company currently working with at least one creative or media agency. The professional interviewed in each company had to be involved in the decision-making process for selecting agencies and approving the work of their agencies. They had also to interact with creative- media agencies on an on-going basis. In addition to R3-SCOPEN’s own databases, leading agencies in China were asked for a list of their most important clients, who collectively were approached by out interviewers.
A Total of 805 professionals were interviewed in 2018. 406 individuals working in 309 client companies with 749 client-agency (Creative, Marketing Services, Digital, and Media) relationships analyzed. In Addition to individuals in marketing departments of client companies, we also interviewed the following professionals to complete the study: Agency professionals (199 individuals), Trade Press Editors (14 individuals) and Procurement directors (32 individuals).