How to Effectively Resource In-House Teams

The acceptance and acknowledgement that there is no “one size fits all” solution to the in-house challenge has refocused marketers to think about the impact of performance management and organization design. How to best structure internal marketing teams and in-house agencies, as well as how to manage process and performance within both in-housed teams and external suppliers, are areas we explore in our latest report. Request the report

2020: The Year Marketing Means Business

In a period of flux and economic downturn, CMOs need their efforts to drive greater returns, writes R3’s Shufen Goh on the results of H2 2020’s CMO Outlook APAC study. Customer retention costs less than customer acquisition, and more marketers have chosen to focus efforts on the former. The goal post has changed to conversion-driven marketing, which is less costly than brand building and awareness. Read more

11% of Agency Tasks Will Be Automated By 2023

11% of creative, digital and media agency tasks in the U.S. will be automated by 2023, further impacting the already shrinking number of industry jobs expected into 2021. “We also see an increasing drive for in-housing,” said R3’s Greg Paull to Adweek. Brands with first-party data might want to bring media and data-related work in-house, while others may start by creating social and digital internally. Read more

PR Agencies In China See Increase In Scope of Work

In a survey of 121 senior PR professionals from 109 companies, R3’s biannual China PR Agency Scope report found that more than half of survey respondents have increased their PR agencies’ scope of work to include event and experiential marketing, as well as influencer and digital marketing, with 15% involved in customer relationship management, and 20% in IP sponsorship and e-commerce. Read more