adobo Magazine – Social media has proven to be an efficient platform for businesses to initiate digital marketing campaigns and to build rapport with consumers. But given the diversity and cultural nuances of each country, strategies and behavioral patterns vary across the world, and even Asia alone. As the digital landscape in the Philippines continues to evolve, global marketing consultancy R3 has highlighted key social media trends for Filipino marketers in its recent private marketing roundtable in Manila.

  • Short-form Content: Short-form content platforms are gaining popularity with Filipino users, with TikTok tripling its market share in the last five years to reach 41% of the population in 2023. With the reduction in attention span of humans, short-form content has become a conducive avenue for marketers to deliver snappy yet engaging brand messages.
  • Social Commerce: 61% of Filipinos shop online, and 80% of all shoppers fall into the 18-34 age range. Social commerce, despite being in its early stages, is rapidly growing in the Philippines due to easy mobile accessibility and a captive audience in the right demographic.
  • Livestreaming: A trend popularized by the online gaming community, live streaming has gained momentum within e-commerce and brought to life the concept of “shoppertainment.” Marketers utilize live streaming to showcase product demos and exclusive offers, as well as increase interaction with viewers to build community and follower base.

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