Return on Influencers - TikTok

Earlier in November, R3 Co-Founder and Principal, Greg Paull, led a session at an Association of National Advertisers (ANA) Digital & Social Committee Meeting at L’Oreal New York on how marketers can improve their return on investment in influencers, particularly on the growing phenomenon that is TikTok. The overall focus of the meeting was on how brands are best utilizing digital and social to reach consumers, and presentations included digital case studies from Heineken, which shared insights on its recent digital campaigns and the data-based strategies that made them successful.

Return on Influencers - TikTok

As TikTok has taken the world by storm, the challenge of leveraging innovative social platforms and new formats is becoming top of mind for many brands. In his session, Greg shared some trends in influencer engagement from China – the most digitally advanced market in the world – and provided critical insights on how marketers can make the most of influencer partnerships in 2020.

Other notable speakers at the event included: Julia Nizinski, Digital Media Director, Heineken; Craig Dubitsky, Founder, Hello Products; Sierra Barter, Social Media Manager, AAA Northeast.