
Year in Review: Top Creative and Media Pitches

15 December, 2016

Our lineup of year-in-review features continues with the biggest creative and media pitches, as measured by R3. See all our 2016 year-in-review features: Brand crises; major appointments ...

Year in Review: Top Creative and Media Pitches2019-06-30T00:48:57+08:00


Greg Paull of R3 Worldwide: Best ADs of 2016

7 November, 2016

Greg Paull, Principal of R3 Worldwide I would nominate three campaigns from probably the three largest advertisers in the world. The industry should be looking ...

Greg Paull of R3 Worldwide: Best ADs of 20162019-06-30T03:13:21+08:00


Are Women Under-represented in the Marketing World?

11 October, 2016

At a time where global brands such as HP and General Mills are forcefully asking agencies to add more gender diversity in their workplace, it is ...

Are Women Under-represented in the Marketing World?2019-06-30T16:22:33+08:00


9 Reasons Not to Pitch for That Account

9 October, 2016

Deciding to pitch for new business can be a daunting process, you never know if a potential client is truly sincere in looking for a ...

9 Reasons Not to Pitch for That Account2019-06-30T16:30:32+08:00
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