
What P&G’s US$500 million cost-saving plan means

28 April, 2015

At the end of last week, John Moeller, P&G’s CFO, dropped a bombshell at the company's latest quarterly earnings meeting: The company is set to ...

What P&G’s US$500 million cost-saving plan means2019-07-01T14:59:42+08:00


Media-Agency Kickbacks. Yes, They’re Real.

25 March, 2015

Secret Rebates, Sketchy Services and Offshore Deals. Inside the Murky New World of Ad Buying Kickback payments tied to U.S. media-agency deals are real and ...

Media-Agency Kickbacks. Yes, They’re Real.2019-07-01T15:16:08+08:00


Chinese agencies selling to curious takers

11 February, 2015

Under pressure for growth, Chinese agencies are side-stepping the standard network model for some unexpected alternatives. What do a water pump manufacturer, a meat processor ...

Chinese agencies selling to curious takers2019-12-03T19:21:59+08:00


Generalist vs Specialist Marketers

24 November, 2014

World of Specialists Remember the last time you went to a GP? It was probably when you had flu and needed basic medication to get ...

Generalist vs Specialist Marketers2019-07-01T16:53:50+08:00


R.I.P Nokia, long live Microsoft Lumia

17 November, 2014

There was a time when Nokia was synonymous with mobile phones. For most mobile users, the first handset was likely to be a Nokia. That ...

R.I.P Nokia, long live Microsoft Lumia2019-07-01T17:05:46+08:00



27 October, 2014

A celebration of 40 of the most innovative Social Media agencies on the planet •  Top Agencies across six continents recognized •  Partners to P&G, ...

R3 LAUNCHES SOCIAL 402019-07-01T17:14:49+08:00


[Infographic] R3 China 2014 media inflation forecast

19 June, 2014

This is the fourth annual edition of the R3 China Media Inflation Report covering inflation forecasts for Y2014 in all key national and local media ...

[Infographic] R3 China 2014 media inflation forecast2019-07-01T17:50:13+08:00


China’s advertising industry in 2020

29 May, 2014

The following post by Greg Paull was initially published as a contribution to The Wharton Future of Advertising Program's Advertising 2020 Project. It comes as no surprise ...

China’s advertising industry in 20202019-07-01T17:55:32+08:00
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