
[Infographic] Most Respected Companies In China

27 May, 2014

This infographic covers finding from R3's 5th agencyScope survey. Based on face-to-face interviews with senior marketers covering 971 agency relationships, the following  companies were nominated ...

[Infographic] Most Respected Companies In China2019-07-01T17:53:45+08:00


Who is in charge of social?

23 May, 2014

It was a fascinating session to watch. As we were the independent consultant to a large client and its roster of agencies, we were fortunate ...

Who is in charge of social?2019-07-01T18:04:46+08:00


Is Sina Weibo worth $500 million?

24 March, 2014

How do we assess the commercial value of Sina Weibo? Last week, Sina Weibo finally launched its prospectus to list in the US, with—some say—the ...

Is Sina Weibo worth $500 million?2019-07-01T18:07:19+08:00


APAC new business dropped 11 per cent in 2013: R3

7 February, 2014

Asia-Pacific total agency revenue from new business declined by 11 per cent in 2013, with creative wins down by 2 per cent and media wins ...

APAC new business dropped 11 per cent in 2013: R32019-07-01T18:28:49+08:00


Samsung leads awareness in China

16 January, 2014

Campaigns from Samsung and Xiaomi boosted their online awareness in the third quarter of 2014, according to new research which also highlighted how brand performance differed across ...

Samsung leads awareness in China2019-12-03T19:31:24+08:00


Digital Engagement in China

23 September, 2013

From an audience perspective, digital allows the brand communication model to convert from being a monologue to a dialogue. The level of involvement required by ...

Digital Engagement in China2019-12-03T19:33:42+08:00


Content and social Medias’ marriage in 2013

23 September, 2013

Content marketing has been around for over 100 years, Brands are looking for ways to differentiate themselves and content marketing is the pivot. However, this ...

Content and social Medias’ marriage in 20132019-07-01T13:53:51+08:00
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